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XiiX Trading Solutions

Dedication Experience Discipline

Contributing to the Efficiency of Electric Markets

About Us


XiiX Trading Solutions (XTS) is a power marketer with operations in the Mexican Wholesale Market (MEM), as well as in Neighboring Electric Systems (CAISO, ERCOT and AMM).

Our Vision

XTS seeks to be a leading trading company in the Mexican Wholesale Market for Power and Ancillary Services, continuously identifying the market’s evolving needs.

Our Mission

XTS seeks to obtain maximum returns for Power Trading in the MEM and in Neighboring Electric Systems.


We fulfill needs

We don’t just trade, we help balance and guarantee the reliability of the National Electric System, improving the efficiency of its operation and reducing costs for all Mexicans.

The future is sustainable

We incentivize and promote the buying and selling of clean energy as well as Clean Energy Certificates (CELs).

Our Team

We have a committed, highly qualified, and continuously learning team, that has the experience needed to take transactions to the next level.

The technology

We use the latest data analytics tools in order to have optimal information for our decision making processes.

Mexican Wholesale Market

What is the Mexican Wholesale Market (MEM)?

It is a market managed by CENACE in which participants can buy and sell electricity, power, Certificates of Clean Energy (CELs), Ancillary Services and any other product required for the operation of the National Electric System.

Mercado Eléctrico Proceso


Increase the reliability of the National Electric System.

Make the electric market open to competition.

Improve the cost of energy for everyone.

Help the development of clean energy sources.

What is a Power Marketer?

It is a participant of the Mexican Wholesale Market that must be registered to the CRE as a Power Marketer and sign a Market Participant contract with CENACE. A Marketer does not represent physical assets nor is it responsible for Load.


Our Focus:

  • Import and Export.
  • Energy and power coverage contracts.
  • Energy, power, Ancillary Services, DFTs (Financial Transmission Rights) and CELs trading.

Main Activities:

Tabla operaciones

Neighboring Markets

MEM Products

Contact Us


Javier Barros Sierra 540, Piso 1, Park Plaza I,

Colonia Santa Fe, Alcaldía Álvaro Obregón

Ciudad de México, 01210



